Challenge Americas 2015
176 Of course it will take the right index
Most ABL programmers believe they know which index will be selected by the compiler. They are often right. They are often wrong. Most of the time it does not matter. But when it does, selecting the wrong index or set of indexes hurts.

This presentation use simple examples to show how the seemingly simple set of rules can cause unexpected but meaningful index selections.

The Presentation is accompanied with a Zip file containing
  • the structure and df files for the database used to create the examples.
  • Example.p containing all the examples queries.
  • Analyse.p which compiles the cross reference of example.p and extract the relevant lines from it.
    177 Identity Tracking Made Easy With the Client Principal
    The client principal object introduced an easy and secure way to manage identity. Discover how enhancements to the server object handle, the asynchronous request handle and the session system handle enables seamless identity management. Learn how to create custom authentication domains or use the database engine to do the heavy lifting, depending on your requirements.

    The Presentation is accompanied by a Zip file containing
  • the relative path v. 11.5.1 security db used in the examples.
  • the structure, df and .d files for the database used to create the examples.
  • Demo/customProcedure.p with examples of running various implementations.
  • An OERA folder, showing an example service interface procedure.
  • A SecurityDomains folder showing example implementations of
    - Built in OpenEdge authentication (OE)
    - User Defined OpenEdge authentication (OECustom)
    - Pure application based authentication (CustomSSO)

    In my opinion, User Defined OpenEdge authentication is the most flexible and easy to use implementation.